Four Sigmatic Protein Powder Review – Plant Based Goodness

Maybe you stumbled upon this product while searching for a new plant-based protein powder. Or (spoiler alert) maybe you are just wondering why I think this is the best plant-based option on the market. Either way, in this review of Four Sigmatic protein powder, I am going to give you all the information you need (and more) to help you figure out if this is the right protein powder for you.

In this detailed review, I’m going to start off my giving you a little background on the company. Then we will get into the pros and cons of it. And finally, I will finish it off with how I personally use it and a couple tips.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Company Background

four sigmatic logoFirst off, if you have never heard of Four Sigmatic, you are in for a treat.

In short, Four Sigmatic is a company that specializes in various functional mushroom blends. They started out in Finland with a mushroom and coffee mix, which turned out to be an exceptional product with a lot of benefits.

After that, they hit the ground running and created various other blends. Some to help with brain function and others that helped you relax. More recently, and why you are here, they expanded their product lines to include protein powders.

If you are unaware, this protein contains a variety of medicinal mushrooms with some serious healing abilities. I know that sounds weird, but trust me, it isn’t. I’ll get into it more later, but in the meantime don’t let that turn you off if you don’t like mushrooms.

In the end, this is an exceptional company with exceptional products. With a heavy focus on providing the highest level of quality in their ingredients combined with in-depth sustainability measures, you can tell that they are a company that cares. They care about their products and they care about their customers.

And I do my best to support companies that align with my values.

Four Sigmatic Protein Powder Review

Any review wouldn’t be complete without a list of all the good and the bad things about a product. In the following section, I am going to breakdown all the specifics so you can decide if this is the right option for you.


1. The Taste

broken coconutFirst off, this protein powder comes in three core flavors, as well as a brand new flavor which I haven’t tried yet. The main flavors are chocolate, vanilla, and peanut butter.

The vanilla and peanut butter flavors are good, by in my opinion there is nothing distinguishing them from many other similar flavors in other protein powders you may have tried.

But the chocolate?? Wow. Absolute wow.

The chocolate flavor, technically called “creamy cacao”,  is hands down the best tasting protein powder I ever had in my life. And just to put that in context, I have easily had over 100 different protein powders in my life. Unfortunately, when it comes to protein, most are blah. Some are decent. And a few select are really good to great.

This is the first 10 out of 10 flavor-wise that I have ever had. So, you may be wondering what elevates it to the next level. And the answer is a combination of things.

First off, it is really light which almost gives it this creamy texture. Secondly, the chocolate flavor comes from actual cacao, so it is almost in between a milk chocolate and dark chocolate flavor. Finally, there is this hint of coconut (from coconut sugar) which really melds everything together and brings it to new levels.

2. The Mushrooms

wild mushrooms on logLet’s get the obvious out of the way first. If it didn’t say that this plant-based protein powder contained functional mushrooms on the label, you wouldn’t have any clue.

It doesn’t have a mushroom flavor or texture, at all! So all you mushroom haters out there don’t have to worry.

This particular product contain a blend of Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps mushrooms. If you are unfamiliar with functional mushrooms, they have a long list of health benefits. Eventually, we will have pages dedicated to all their specific health benefits, but in the meantime a quick internet search will do the trick.

In short, these mushrooms are in a group called adaptogens. Adaptogens help the body deal with biological, physical, and chemical stressors so you can return to a balanced state. Some of the specific areas that they help are with brain help, reducing inflammation, and help to modulate the immune system.

So, if you have yet to see the connection between protein powder and adaptogenic mushrooms, lets go a step further. Most people that are supplementing with a protein powder are taking it as part of a total wellness regimen.

Whether that means that they are trying to build muscle or burn fat, it usually involves working out. And working out invokes a stress response in the body which causes all kinds of inflammation. By including functional mushrooms in the protein powder, you can combat that inflammation and help your body repair and recover faster.

On top of that, you are getting the additional health benefits as well, so your overall wellness can reach new heights.

3. The Protein Blend

pumpkin seed proteinIf you read the labels on some of the cheaper plant-based proteins, you will find pea protein. And that’s it. And the reasoning behind it is that it is one of the cheapest plant-based protein sources.

Unfortunately, that is a disservice to the consumers because pea protein alone doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids that are needed for the muscle building process.

Most plant-based protein sources are known as incomplete proteins. So, only using one plant-based protein source in your protein powder is more or less counter-intuitive. In order to get all the necessary amino acids, you need to bring together a variety of plant-based protein sources.

That is why the better plant-based protein powders often have several different proteins in them. In this case, Four Sigmatic includes a blend of pea, hemp, chia, pumpkin, and coconut proteins. By strategically crafting this blend, they assure that you are getting all nine essential amino acids that your body needs to build muscle.

4. It’s Organic

USDA organicAre you aware of the dangers of glyphosate?

If so, then you know that it is some dangerous stuff. And unfortunately, conventionally grown and genetically modified food is covered with it. That is why I try to eat completely organic.

This protein powder is 100% USDA certified organic. Aside from the protein sources and the mushrooms, it contains ashwaganda extract, eleuthero extract, cacao powder, coconut milk powder, coconut palm sugar, pink Himalayan salt, and monk fruit extract. And they are all organic.

5. Mixability and Texture

Another thing that I like about this protein is that it mixes really easily. While a lot of other plant-based proteins are clumpy and hard to mix, this is a breeze.

If you are using a protein shaker, a couple shakes should do the trick. I even have had success mixing it with a spoon in a glass and it came out pretty smooth.

Also, it doesn’t really stick to the sides like some other protein powders do.

Finally, the texture is really good as well. It has a little grittiness to it for texture, while being really smooth and fluffy at the same time. I know that sounds weird, but it really works.


1. Price

man holding moneyNow the first negative that is going to exclude some people from buying this protein powder is the price. If you are a budget shopper, this is probably not the product for you.

Personally, I think there is a lot of value in this product, so it is my go-to protein supplement. But with a price that aligns with other high-tier protein powders, it can get expensive if you are using several serving a day.

If you are looking for something a little cheaper, check out the Sunwarrior Warrior Blend review.

2. Contains Coconut

Secondly, as I have mentioned previously, the creamy cacao version contains coconut products. So, keep this in mind if you or someone you are buying this for has a nut allergy.

How I Use This Protein Powder (Plus Tips)

In each serving of the creamy cacao, there are 150 calories from 9 grams fat, 13 grams of carbs, and 18 grams of protein. The other flavors have a similar nutrient profile.

I mention this because unlike other isolate style proteins, this protein powder does contain some extra calories from carbohydrates and fats. Because of this, you should be extra mindful if you are using it in a fat burning or cutting phase.

My solution is that I simply mix it with water. And honestly, there is no need to mix it with beverages that have extra calories like sweetened almond milk. It tastes great when mixed with water and has a great texture.

For extra diversity of uses, it can be added to smoothies or recipes. The packaging suggests to add it to pancakes, and I will have to try that because it sounds incredible.


We hope you found this Four Sigmatic protein powder review helpful.

All in all, this is hands-down the best protein powder I have ever used. And the fact that it is plant-based and gluten free are icing on the cake.

Although I would not complain if it were a little cheaper, between the incredible taste, the functional adaptogenic mushrooms, the organic ingredients, the protein blend, and the high quality provided by Four Sigmatic, I think this product over-delivers in value.

I personally will keep buying this protein powder until they stop making it. And in the meantime, I can’t wait to try the new cafe mocha flavor.