About Us

Welcome to BecomingMyHero!

The Beginning

My name is Scott and I am currently 41. I am the creator, writer, marketer, and everything else for all of this.

About 6 years ago, I had just come out of a relationship and was up to my ears in debt. To make matters worse, I was living halfway across the country from anyone I knew, in an apartment I could no longer afford, and was completely lost and broken.

Every day, when I woke up, it felt like I was in the twilight zone.

You know that feeling where your life is completely unrecognizable? Where all your hopes and dreams have vanished and you wonder how you let your life get this bad?

It is safe to say that I was at rock bottom.

I remember that I couldn’t stop saying “I don’t want to be here” to myself. Over and over. It became my mantra. And I don’t know why I was even saying it or what it even meant, but I know I felt hopeless.

It was in one of those dark moments that I made a decision.

I made the decision to pull myself off the floor and start moving forward. If all I could do was drag myself forward inch by inch, that is what I would do until I could crawl. And then I would crawl until I could walk again. Then, I would learn to run again.

The Birth of Something New

I knew it was going to take time, but I had to keep moving forward. And by moving forward, I could begin to rebuild myself anew.

It would be a hero’s journey of epic proportions. To become the man that was always inside of me trying to get out. And although I knew that it was going to take a lot of work, and there would be a lot of setbacks, I couldn’t quit.

So I came up with the idea to document the entire journey of becoming my hero.

Not only would this create a way to hold myself accountable, but it would also serve as a guide to other men who are at a low point in their life. Or for those who feel stuck and don’t know how to get unstuck.

The first steps were to get clear on what I wanted and what I needed to do to get there. So I began visiting a therapist, started a meditation practice, and read a few books that were on my bookshelf for a few years.

I asked myself the question, ” What skills and areas of my life would I need to develop to become my hero?”

What I Will Cover and Why

To answer that question, I eventually broke it down into 6 main categories that I will focus on.

1. Health

My hero would be in top tier physical shape. Not only does this enable you to partake in a variety of activities, but it also would enable you to age gracefully and continue living with vitality into your elder years.

But physical health is only one component of health. Mental health is equally as important, if not even more so. Personally, I knew this was an aspect of my life that needed a lot of improvement. And it is integral to have success in other areas of your life as well.

2. Personal Finance

First off, I knew that I had to get out of debt. That would be step one. Then, I would need to learn how to properly manage money and invest it.

Unfortunately, money was something that I ignored for most of my life. But ultimately, money is a resource and a flow of energy that not only allows you freedom, but also can be used to help the people around you.

3. Continued Learning

Many people stop learning once they leave school. Although I had a fire inside me to keep learning, all I did was continue reading books and listening to podcasts.

And although they can provide a wealth of information, I knew that I was only scratching the surface and that there was more. So I decided to continually challenge myself by going to seminars and enrolling in online classes.

4. Adventure

What good is a hero if he doesn’t have any fun?

Not only is travel fun and exciting, but it is so much more. Travel is a way to push your comfort zone and to take on new challenges. It is a way to learn and grow. And it is a way to reconnect with your soul and grow spiritually.

5. Connection

As I was sitting there alone by myself in the middle of the country, I felt alone. I knew that I was going to need to develop better social skills to create productive and healthy relationships.

Have you ever heard that you are the average of the five people closest to you?

There is definitely truth in that. The people around you support, inspire, and help you on the journey of life. And vice versa.

Life is not meant to be lived alone.

5. Service

If you look at one thing that every superhero has in common, and why everyone loves them, it is because they help people.

It is from my experience, the more I help people the more fulfilled I feel. I know everyone is different, but in order to truly be my hero, I need to find ways to serve.

If I succeed in only one category, I hope it is this one.

My Promise To You

In everything I create, I will try to be as transparent and honest as I can.

I will only review products and projects I have used.

And I will give my honest opinion.


Thank you for being a part of this journey. I have the ultimate respect for everyone who is on their path and committed to growth.

I look forward to growing with you and hopefully we get to connect in the future!